CNC machining compared with 3D printing advantages, accuracy

CNC machining compared with 3D printing advantages, accuracy

3D printing and CNC machining are relatively common production processes in the field of precision machining. There are similarities and differences between the two. For example, CNC machining is suitable for mass production. It can create many products in a shorter period of time, and 3D printing takes hours to create a product. Compared with 3D printing, what advantages does CNC machining have?

Surface treatment advantages

CNC machine tools provide a better surface finish than 3D printing because the material will not deform during processing. The rigid material and cutting action keep the product together, and there is less chance of error or deformation. The surface finish of 3D printing is poor. The material is bent, twisted or distorted, because CNC processing materials are layered heating plastics.

Improved prototype integrity

The CNC machine does not heat the material and modify it. Compared with 3D printers, where the material remains stronger and has better structural integrity, the 3D printer must heat the material to build the desired product. 3D printers may also need to add foreign matter to the mixture to make prototypes, while CNC machines do not.

Prototyping becomes easier

CNC machine tools are more suitable for prototypes that can withstand structural testing because they engrave the design from the material. They can also build prototypes using the exact materials that will be used to make the final product.

The hardware processing accuracy of the part itself is poor. Generally speaking, if the dynamic error between the shafts is not adjusted properly during the installation of CNC precision machining, or the shaft transmission chain changes due to wear, it will affect the accuracy of the parts. Generally, the accuracy check caused by this kind of error can be solved by adjusting the compensation amount. Moreover, if the error is too large or even an alarm occurs, it is necessary to check the servo motor to observe whether it is too high speed.

The overshoot of the machine tool during operation will also affect the machining accuracy, which may be due to the too short acceleration and deceleration time and the proper extension of the speed change time. Of course, it is also likely that the connection between the lead screw and the servo motor is loose. The roundness caused by the two-axis linkage is out of tolerance, the axial deformation that is not adjusted to a circle, or the screw gap compensation is improper or the shaft positioning is deviated, which may affect the accuracy of the precision parts.

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CNC machining compared with 3D printing advantages, accuracy

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